Posts, a community app by

Schmidt reposted
Jamie Sigadel

Interviewer: So, where do you see yourself in ~5 years? Me: Hmm.. Let's see. The year is 2028. The climate crisis has accelerated. Large portions of the US are uninhabitable. Citizens are allotted two hours of "outside time" due to extreme heat— Interviewer: .....

Schmidt reposted
Elan Ullendorff

“I see making websites and making in general as nothing more than a way of asking to be loved.” from my conversation with @chia…

A website is an act of demanding space for yourself and the people you love and constantly tending that space. It's a way of naming: to take on a URL and courageously ask to be witnessed, visited. I understand certain sites that I frequent as continuous labors of love, whether they're directed to a specific person or something broader. I see making websites and making in general as nothing more than a way of asking to be loved.

My #Confit theme for day two: a Yokohama football fan, circa 1999, just after the merger of Flugels and Marinos. (If you see me say hi!) #Config2023

It’s just me wearing a Marinos jacket and Flugels jersey.

Welcome to #Config2023! Nobody talk to me until after my talk and then everybody talk to me.

Schmidt reposted
Peter Vidani

Design critique isn’t just about software. It’s the meeting where u critique the personalities, appearances, and personal life choices of your colleagues. Can be anything even something they did or said years ago


Weird question: anybody in SF have one of these — any color — and want to let me borrow it for a day? (Uh, specifically, tomorrow?)