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Replying to @seungmee_lee

Or you can watch config videos hahaha

Seungmee Lee
Replying to @stevewang

Loll that was my third option but give me a break!

Replying to @seungmee_lee

Bless you🤞

Seungmee Lee
Replying to @stevewang


Olia Gozha
Replying to @seungmee_lee

The Bear! Design wise or aesthetic wise it’s perfect. Food, coloring, composition of every scene, music etc. love it + anxiety is there too as @eim mentioned. Strangely enough it’s inevitable part of creative process regardless of industry It all felt cohesive 😁

Seungmee Lee
Replying to @olia.gozha @eim

Whoa the way you describe the series is so tempting! Cooking as a creative process sounds very interesting 👀

Olia Gozha
Replying to @seungmee_lee @eim

Highly recommended! I'm watching season 3 right now. Enjoyed all four episodes I have watched so far

Selene Chang
Replying to @seungmee_lee

I'm currently watching Season 3 right now! You might be on the flight already but I highly recommend it! Season 2 was phenomenal as well~ Not all episodes are the same duration so keep that in mind (but you're binging so...👀)

Seungmee Lee
Replying to @selene

I’m not on the flight yet so good to see different thoughts!! Now I’m thinking if I can watch both as there’re so many good reviews for both 😂

Selene Chang
Replying to @seungmee_lee

I mean who knows you could be the kind to binge on 2x speed

Ethan Mooney
Replying to @seungmee_lee

That's a tough one - if you want your brain to hurt, Severance. If you want to be anxious the entire flight, The Bear. Both are some of the best TV ever made, so there is no wrong decision!

Seungmee Lee
Replying to @eim

Haha sounds like it’s not going to be an easy flight either way!

Charlsy Yang
Replying to @seungmee_lee

I would vote for Severance - it’s the kind that you can’t stop watching once you start, perfect for binge. Whereas Bear sometimes have episodes that are more like standalone stories. But great shows either way!

Seungmee Lee
Replying to @charlsy

That’s actually really good to know considering it’s going to be an intense binge watching on the flight!

Replying to @seungmee_lee

either choice will not disappoint. both must see TV.