Posts, a community app by

Sean Berger
Replying to @shkliarau


Fedor Shkliarau
Replying to @berger

Oh cool! How far along are you?

Sean Berger
Replying to @shkliarau

I've written and edited 3 case studies. Feels like a ton of work so far! I'm a little tired after months of labor, but have found a good stopping point. I pulled up your site on my Mac after you posted. I'm going to take a closer look as my day allows!

Fedor Shkliarau
Replying to @berger

I can imagine! Haven’t posted a single case study in 3 years, time to fix that but also procrastinating because it is really a lot of work. What was the most challenging when working on your case studies?

Sean Berger
Replying to @shkliarau

1) writing fluff, getting to the point without editing for hours and hours 2) Trying to showcase animation and interactions. I'd like to do more, feels like an area I could focus on.

Fedor Shkliarau
Replying to @berger

1. Have you found a way to do that? 2. Which part about it is the hardest?

Sean Berger
Replying to @shkliarau

I have become a pretty good editor after hours of practice sitting in front of my case studies. I think interaction design is more challenging. I've done it "well" in some projects, but certainly a gap in others.

Fedor Shkliarau
Replying to @berger

Yeah, one thing is to design static screens, another to make them feel native when brought together. Is it what this challenge about? Or something else?

Emily Willis
Replying to @shkliarau

Yup! Working hard on portfolio work over here too!

Fedor Shkliarau
Replying to @em_bird

Yay! How is it going?

Emily Willis
Replying to @shkliarau

Can’t complain! Got some valuable feedback so now it’s all about implementation!

Fedor Shkliarau
Replying to @em_bird

Amazing! What were the challenges the feedback helped with if you don’t mind sharing?

Emily Willis
Replying to @shkliarau

The biggest feedback point I got was how the font I was using for a project stood a chance of feeling dated- that hadn’t occurred to me in the way I was using it! I had also made the portfolio very spartan without my own personality shining through and that needs to be addressed!

Fedor Shkliarau
Replying to @em_bird

Great points, amazing that you had this person around to help. At which point did you reach out for feedback?

Emily Willis
Replying to @shkliarau

Ooh not sure? I’ve been actively seeking feedback since I started working on my portfolio so this was one of many folks to take time out of their day to give me their advice and expertise - for which I’ve been extremely grateful!

Fedor Shkliarau
Replying to @em_bird

Sounds awesome 👏

Replying to @shkliarau


Fedor Shkliarau
Replying to @tranhelen

😅 How is it going?

Replying to @shkliarau

It’s not so bad =) I think it’s hard figuring out how to position it

Fedor Shkliarau
Replying to @tranhelen

Do you want to change how your current portfolio is positioned? What would be the end goal?

Replying to @shkliarau

I don’t have one anymore so the first position is to exist ;) But the goal here is simply to share for the sake of broadening my network

Fedor Shkliarau
Replying to @tranhelen

Yeah it’s amazing how a seemingly simple thing like portfolio adds so much credibility and trust for designers. How far along are you?

Matthew Morek
Replying to @shkliarau

I might do soon, but got some iOS apps to finish and release first! 😅

Fedor Shkliarau
Replying to @matthewmorek

Nice! What apps are you working on? 👀

Matthew Morek
Replying to @shkliarau

A little app that shows live departures for the closest Manchester Metrolink 🚃 stop near your device’s location. Should be submitting it by Monday next week.

Leonard Adukwu
Replying to @matthewmorek @shkliarau

I am built and currently improving it.

Fedor Shkliarau

Lol, just discovered my current portfolio is broken on mobile. It’s time to build 🔨

Imran @i.a
Replying to @shkliarau

Your portfolio is really nice, remember seeing it on flux a while back

Fedor Shkliarau
Replying to @i.a

Thank you ☺️

Imran @i.a
Replying to @shkliarau

👋🏼 need to decide on whether I still want to offer ux/ui services or just go full in on webflow

Fedor Shkliarau
Replying to @i.a

Ah interesting, what’s the proportion between two that you’re doing currently? Would you have case studies for webflow projects or just links?

Imran @i.a
Replying to @shkliarau

I have about 15 years in ux,about 2 in webflow. Trying to make the shift away from ux to doing wf time flow. I will be adding simplified webflow case studies. Don’t think they’ll need to be as thorough as UX case studies were

Replying to @shkliarau


Fedor Shkliarau
Replying to @henno

How is it going?

Replying to @shkliarau

Kinda good. I wanted to give Framer a try and so far it’s super smooth ☺️

🍟 nadia 🍟
Replying to @shkliarau

🙋🏻‍♀️ i’m even documenting my progress 1 day at a time here on posts

Fedor Shkliarau
Replying to @nadia

Nice! What did you start with?

Alexey Sekachov
Replying to @shkliarau


Fedor Shkliarau
Replying to @asekachov

How far along are you?