Posts, a community app by

Ganesh Iyer
Ganesh Iyer

I just don't get the difference between these two options - am I losing it? FWIW, every time this happens, I use the third option - force quit the Duolingo app

Ganesh Iyer

The amount of bloat in some experiences just infuriates me. To view a recording of a call, I had to pass through a long onboarding as a new customer because I can't view it as a guest. Ultimately, it didn't bring me back to the recording. Who is designing these things?

Ganesh Iyer

The next generation of gamification is.. twerking?

Ganesh Iyer

Does anyone else miss the tortoise feature in Duolingo?

Ganesh Iyer

Clearly some drama at Duolingo

Ganesh Iyer

Gee thanks, LinkedIn. But you're not eligible to receive my government ID.