Can anyone guess what this field is in the Apple payments page and why is it mandatory?
Does anyone else get these unsolicited meeting invites with absolutely no specific context, in their inbox?
LinkedIn getting the absolute basic of visual communication wrong. See if you can spot what's bothering me about this.
Apple's UI for trimming a voice memo on your iPhone is garbage. It's utterly impossible to do it, especially for audios that are over an hour long (which are great contenders for trimming). The key interactions expect my fingertip to be a pixel-wide.
Send this screenshot to anyone who asks why you're not very active on LinkedIn - tHe #1 jOb SeArCh pLaTForM
Duolingo has an interesting opportunity through some self-awareness. For the consistently high performers, don't give them made-up rewards like promotions to an "Obsidian league", but give them a no-ad experience for free. Use the number of these high performers in marketing.