Posts, a community app by

Ganesh Iyer

Have to come clean. The impact on my life of Posts being sunset is a little numbing. It was the only "social media" of sorts that did not poison my digital experience (thank you @andy). Plus, the people engaging here seemed to be genuinely wholesome and human.

Ganesh Iyer
Replying to @andy

My only social media is now technically LinkedIn. And I only use it to find jobs and cultivate professional connections. It feels insipid to participate in any kind of public discourse there because the digital experience is utterly cluttered with ads, games, and influencers.

Replying to @skepticacid @andy

Couldn't agree more. Traditional socials are a cesspit now, Posts was a safe space for soo many. Trying to honor the community and work of @andy and co, with - if you're lacking somewhere else to go, we'd love to have ya. 🧘

Ganesh Iyer
Replying to @otter_is_fine @andy

Perhaps at some point in the future; I took a little look and there's a nice, budding space building there. Truth be told, I'm burned out by a lot of accounts. My near-term recovery involves shutting myself from a lot of the digital world, save for a small online circle.