What are some social platforms (past & present) that have inspired you? I've been using Letterboxd since 2014 or so and love it I don't use Are.na as much lately but that was a good one Lines (iykyk) has been a constant inspiration Once upon a time Flickr was a special place too
I started on Typepad, and it’s actually still online and live. Literally was just an online diary when I was struggling massively with mental health. IGo and visit it from time to time. grahamsblog.typepad.com/grahamsblog/

A Lucid Mind - Bipolar, Photographs, Life, Blogs and eBay
It certainly is not ALL about Bipolar or my success in eBay. Catch a glimpse of how I see and think about Photography, fun and sadness. Palatable portions of the 'best' bits of brain news, lifestyle 'power-ups' useful to anal, chuckle city to frown central. I hope to mold this Blog into a 'my' view of life summary. You take the best of the best, or just take it all.