Posts, a community app by

Caspian Ievers
Replying to @heliographe

Path. And this one. That is it.

Taurean Bryant Not Found
Replying to @caspianievers @heliographe

Aesthetically, ux & interaction design wise, Path was unmatched. They had privacy stumbles though℠
Replying to @heliographe

I was heavily into Posterous back in the day: had 5 active blogs covering different topics. That was a hard one to stomach when it shut down

Bora @bora
Replying to @heliographe

Most of us use several apps for what we consume, and to move that into a single place, we are building a new social platform, a smaller, cozier space based on shared cultural interests: movies, series, books, and music albums. Waitlist is open →℠
Replying to @heliographe

I started on Typepad, and it’s actually still online and live. Literally was just an online diary when I was struggling massively with mental health. IGo and visit it from time to time.

A Lucid Mind - Bipolar, Photographs, Life, Blogs and eBay
It certainly is not ALL about Bipolar or my success in eBay. Catch a glimpse of how I see and think about Photography, fun and sadness. Palatable portions of the 'best' bits of brain news, lifestyle 'power-ups' useful to anal, chuckle city to frown central. I hope to mold this Blog into a 'my' view of life summary. You take the best of the best, or just take it all.
Itay Dreyfus
Replying to @heliographe is a big one. Also wrote more about it:…
online software for saving and organizing the content that is important to you
David Mendes
Replying to @heliographe

Chronologically: mIRC (cool triphop music channels); Game Forums (got me into photoshop); Google+ (found a street photo community); Flickr (same as above); Skate Forums (was fun until I moved to Germany); Posts; Bento (cool community until acquired); Substack (low effort blog).

Adith Narein
Replying to @heliographe

Pinterest is my favourite 🥰

Juan F. Agrón
Replying to @heliographe

Letterboxd Arena Urbit Literal Oku Creative Applications Polywork Path Toodeep Little Red Book Distant Tumblr MySpace

Helena Cucas Silva
Replying to @heliographe

I still use Letterboxd to this day! And I really love it 😊