Posts, a community app by

Pedro Peguero Jr.
Replying to @stevenyuen

This looks beautiful.

Steven Yuen
Replying to @pedropeguerojr

thanks Pedro!

Replying to @stevenyuen

One of the projects on here I’m most excited about still 😁

Steven Yuen
Replying to @aleconline


Tejas Sanap
Replying to @stevenyuen

This looks really cool! Any way I can skip the waitlist? 😁

Steven Yuen
Replying to @whereistejas

we're trying our best to speed up the process!

Replying to @stevenyuen

Yeah, that's really cool. I've been thinking a lot about what's in a paper notebook and how it can be replicated in an digital one. And I realised that one important quality is the ability to physically feel what page a piece of information is on. And I don't know how do it.

Steven Yuen
Replying to @sashareushkin

yeah honestly, even though we are creating this app, i still have a physical notebook and don't plan on ever replacing it. i think an app can do certain things better, and we are going to focus on those things rather than try and replace what pen and paper are good at.

Replying to @stevenyuen

When I use paper notebook I can create any type of content with a single tool—pen or pencil. When I use digital notebook I need use several tools: one for notes, another for tasks and other.

Replying to @sashareushkin @stevenyuen

I think the freedom digital planning allows us can become overwhelming, paper is simple and limited which makes you be more creative with what you have. I’ve always gravitated towards planning apps that have very little utensils

Nico Schamel
Replying to @stevenyuen

Love this calming design approach! Is there a way to test the App in EA? :)