Posts, a community app by

Evan Stewart

Single-payment software destroys incentive for the company to continue iterating and improving on the core user experience/feature set. Agree or no?

Sharif El Komi
Replying to @stewart

I feel the "Pay once and get x years of updates" is a good balance I'm super tired of subscriptions but I understand that SOME apps need to have that model

David Mendes
Replying to @stewart @komi

Most software just keeps iterating until it becomes a Frankenstein

Evan Stewart
Replying to @davidmendes @komi

True; disciplined product-led teams can fight that though

David Mendes
Replying to @stewart @komi

I'd hope so, but unfortunately the market tells a different story. Product teams can only make compromises, they can't fight external pressure from the stock market or venture capital.

Sharif El Komi
Replying to @stewart

I think the main difference is you don't have to pay for 12 months of upgrades, you can continue to use the app in its current state forever (if you feel like upgrading, pay more)

Evan Stewart
Replying to @komi

That's true!