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Olia Gozha
Replying to @tchgrbr

Exactly! I had the same thoughts working on mine two years ago. Now, I'm thinking about revamping it and reflecting on those two years and where I am right now, professionally and personally. Are you working on your portfolio website right now?

Felix Teichgräber
Replying to @olia.gozha

Yeah, I set it up the past 2 weeks :) As you say, it's mainly reflecting on what you have accomplished.

Olia Gozha
Replying to @tchgrbr

Congrats! Love the red dot as a cursor ❤️ Nice touch!

Leland Foster
Replying to @tchgrbr

Is this bait

Felix Teichgräber
Replying to @leland

😂 Nope. Very unpopular opinion but it just helps me to sort my thoughts and mirror what I‘ve accomplished.

Jonas Maaløe
Replying to @tchgrbr

I love how Ethan Marcotte puts it here:

Let a website be a worry stone. —
One turn deserves another.
Felix Teichgräber
Replying to

Very good read!

Replying to @tchgrbr
