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Andy Chung
Replying to @tev

Honestly, Instagram?

Replying to @andy @tev

A bit harder to find unless you follow the right accounts on instagram, Behance on other hand is easier but not that up to date.

Tevon @tev
Replying to @iarafath @andy

Thanks everyone, I guess i’ll just have to curate a list using instagram and such.

Tevon @tev

Art station, Behance, Dribble and Instagram got it 🙏🏾

Abe @abe
Replying to @tev

Dribbble might be a good start

Replying to @tev

Instagram or Dribble is a good start. Andy is a super talented illustrator to see from our studio!…

Selene Chang
Replying to @tev

I follow loads of illustrators on Instagram I find that once you start following a few their network kinda expands like crazy when you notice who follows who? Depends on what kind though too~

Jack Hughes
Replying to @tev

Start with the agents that represent them. Their websites will showcase the range of talent and styles.

William M.
Replying to @tev

Depending on the type of illustration you're looking for, I would say ArtStation, Behance, and here! (using the filter in the search bar)