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Windyasari Septriani
Windyasari Septriani

anyone here work at a design subscription agency too? (which is as a new industry trend, UNLIKE with larger team -manypixel, designpickle), how do you/your team apply public holiday?

Windyasari Septriani

it is surprisingly the dev community in my region in a dev bootcamp doesn't actually need dev mode of figma because they already have their tool, so I wonder about tokens too. Are Figma made up of the features and too listen to all to the community but not the main users?

Windyasari Septriani

I've seen a bit more 'design twitter' of framer makers, especially from my region trying to blend with similar designers around the world and build followers, which I think +, because they know they need to be + & work hard on their craft. Unlike here, built followers by being -

Windyasari Septriani

when you don't have networking, applying to startups now is like they want to marry someone while it's not forever like on marriage or corporation (since it's tech winter as well), unlike in the design subscription agency, they only need your skill, accountability and integrity

Windyasari Septriani

I like it how more articles/blogs/newsletter who write honesty about this tough market situation no matter how hard it is to realise it

How to survive the design leadership reckoning.
Design leadership as we know it, is over, but it’s going to be OK.
Windyasari Septriani

some design influencers gave the tips in this tough job market or encourage to be the jack of all trades designer or back to it which I think make sense. However, it's mostly applied to those with graphic design background with UI/UX expertise with or without design degree 🤔