You don’t set them. You discover them. You already have values. You just need to figure out what you would trade away, until there are things left you wouldn’t. Those are what you value. Once you know. You can change them by taking different actions.
Thanks @jesperbylund this is beautifully said. I feel its usually a list of words and after doing an analysis of what “speaks” to me, most of the time they’re word that means exactly or nearly the same as another word.
Sounds like you’ve found one! Would you trade it for money? Would you trade it for a sick relative?
Have you discovered The Brand Deck? We use it heaps. Physical and digital versions.

Hey! I appreciate this very much. I haven’t came across this in my personal career growth. I look forward to digging in. 🤙
The “funeral exercise” is the best way I know. I tried to describe it briefly on my side project WIP here:

Sweet! Thanks for sharing, I’ll look into the funeral exercise and checkout your project. Thanks for sharing