Posts, a community app by

Seth @sthr
Replying to @yonodactyl

Nice! OG Day One user here. I'm curious, how are you going to sustain the service or make money without subscriptions?

Replying to @sthr @yonodactyl

My same question, is paying for software that’s good really a dealbreaker?

Yon Montoto
Replying to @arlo_j @sthr

I pay for Apollo for Reddit, Ivory for Mastodon, I am a Mastodon Patron and even paid for Sketch for a while. I pay for Photoshop and Lightroom. I even pay for Arcade by Output! If it’s good, I pay. I just can’t justify the money for Day One

PG @sekei
Replying to @yonodactyl @arlo_j @sthr

Giving money to massive money hungry megacorp adobe, but stealing the idea of a small team and making it free… “I absolutely loved it” and “If it’s good, I pay. I just can’t justify it” in the same thread is realy something

Yon Montoto
Replying to @sekei @arlo_j @sthr

Also, there is also no need to attack my interest in making my own product that doesn’t have a subscription attached to it. If the pot wants to call the kettle black, here are some others for it

PG @sekei
Replying to @yonodactyl @arlo_j @sthr

I’m not attacking your interesting in making a product. I’m attacking your value proposition being “I remade the thing I like but for free” and your justification for it. The people on the other end are just like you and me

Yon Montoto
Replying to @sekei @arlo_j @sthr

I don’t believe you think my journal app can compete with a Goliath like Automattic (who also own Tumblr, Wordpress and Gravatar, btw). I made a product that I wanted, how I wanted; I’m not going to steal their millions of dollars of revenue. Hell, I might even open source this.

Replying to @yonodactyl

It looks very good! I want to use it. Where is the data stored?

Yon Montoto
Replying to @sashareushkin

It utilizes CoreData and CloudKit, so locally on device, and then privately in your iCloud! The only time your data isn’t at rest is on the Push to sync, but apple should have that process encrypted!

Replying to @yonodactyl

That sounds nice

Yon Montoto
Replying to @sashareushkin

Ill add you to my list for once it’s ready for prime time!

Replying to @yonodactyl

Thank you! I am looking forward to it.

Damon Outlaw
Replying to @sashareushkin @yonodactyl

This is so cool. Is there a sign up?

Yon Montoto

Creating Entries is simple - just write. Add images (and eventually hashtags and weather)

Yon Montoto

Reading is just as easy: read, then edit if you need to - all in the same place. Support for images and other embeds are in the works, but for now it’s meant to simulate Morning Pages

Yon Montoto

Finally - this is all super early Alpha, and is subject to change. I just wanted to share in case others want a journaling app that doesn’t want to crawl into your wallet and bleed you dry!

Justin Mabee
Replying to @yonodactyl

Love it. Would love to TestFlight it for you if you’re opening at all.

Yon Montoto
Replying to @mabee

I’ll add you to an early list. It’s a little ways from ready, but I’ll ping you once it is!

Justin Mabee
Replying to @yonodactyl

Awesome! Thanks. Happy to help you market it too whenever you’re ready.

Josh Brewer
Replying to @yonodactyl

I’d love to take it for a test drive. My fav Day One feature is the “on this day” feature. I have over a decade of stuff in there and each day I look forward to seeing what shows up.

Yon Montoto
Replying to @jbrewer

This is a great feature. Love it in my Photos memories, too! There is only so much a journal app can do and I think this is a good feature that makes journaling worth it. I’ll add you to my list for testing once it’s stable

Josh Brewer
Replying to @yonodactyl

Sounds great!

Kevin F.J. Harris
Replying to @yonodactyl

I have been using Day One now for over ten years. I support them because they work hard to make an exceptional product. I have invested a lot of time into my journaling and even if a new app comes along and is free, I’m skeptical and resist the idea of looking at it.

Yon Montoto
Replying to @polarbearkev

I’m really glad that you found a journaling app that works for you and that you’re willing to pay for! I believe if a product works for you, it’s worth the money!

Replying to @yonodactyl

Add me to the list. Ignore the static and keep cranking on this. It’s beautiful…