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Jamie Sigadel
Replying to @alicetragedy

As a white woman I need other white women to actually vote for what's good for (all) women

Laura 🦄
Replying to @jsiggy

Yeah, you’re absolutely right. Mine was an observation that the more time you have to prep & campaign the more chances you might have as a candidate & a stubborn dude holding onto his power makes it hard to be a “last minute” candidate. 🤍 I’d love to see Harris in charge 💪🏽

Jamie Sigadel
Replying to @alicetragedy

It's impossible to know what's happening behind-the-scenes but I suspect there's been planning for some time, they just had to play it cool/figure out the right timing.. Not to mention weigh out all the various options/possibilities

Jamie Sigadel
Replying to @alicetragedy

In any case I'm fueled by the absolute meltdowns certain terrible people are having today hehehehehehe

Laura 🦄
Replying to @jsiggy

Agreed, that is super satisfying hahaha

Replying to @alicetragedy

What I’m most excited about is that there’s finally a generational change. Hillary Clinton would’ve been a good president but she was also another standard bearer from that generation. Biden was the last one holding onto power

Laura 🦄
Replying to @sigsound

Yes! Very true, you are super right about that. That’s also why it was so cool to see someone like AOC in politics.

Laura 🦄

On that note, Harris 2024 are doing a lot of hiring right now 🤍 also creative roles:

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Replying to @alicetragedy

Don't think she'll be any different to clean the mess. (let alone want to) There is a reason Obama is still considered a war criminal despite him being "representative standard" for black boomers across the world 😭

Replying to @alicetragedy

The overarching pattern has been more about Democrats having to clean up Republican administration messes. Clinton had to turn around the bad economic conditions created by Reagan and Bush… then Obama had to try to clean up the mess Bush left. Biden cleaned up after trump.