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Laura 🦄

My hot take about USA politics right now is that while I appreciate Biden finally stepping aside, it’s also yet another example of women & Black folks having to swoop in to clean up old white men’s messes 😬🙊

Jamie Sigadel
Replying to @alicetragedy

As a white woman I need other white women to actually vote for what's good for (all) women

Laura 🦄
Replying to @jsiggy

Yeah, you’re absolutely right. Mine was an observation that the more time you have to prep & campaign the more chances you might have as a candidate & a stubborn dude holding onto his power makes it hard to be a “last minute” candidate. 🤍 I’d love to see Harris in charge 💪🏽

Jamie Sigadel
Replying to @alicetragedy

It's impossible to know what's happening behind-the-scenes but I suspect there's been planning for some time, they just had to play it cool/figure out the right timing.. Not to mention weigh out all the various options/possibilities

Laura 🦄
Replying to @jsiggy

Agreed, that is super satisfying hahaha