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Design for the web without Figma
By all accounts, Figma has been an amazing tool for designers. We've used it extensively at 37signals, and I'm sure most every other software shop has too. Adobe didn't pay $20 billion for nothing. But we don't do the bulk of our design work with or in Figma when developing Basecamp or HEY for the web. That's all done directly in HTML ...
Leland Foster
Replying to @ineptules

V spicy take

Replying to @leland

Yep. Curious what people have to say about it

Andy Chung
Replying to @ineptules @leland

I actually think of Figma as a very constrained design tool and personally don't see too many instances of designs that can't be easily implemented. Photoshop is/was a different story.

Replying to @andy @leland

One of my frontend colleagues told me he even uses Figma himself for hobby projects before coding. He especially likes auto layout because of how similar it is to the way he works.

Leland Foster
Replying to @andy @ineptules

fuck everything I'm going back to coding with pen and paper

Replying to @leland @andy

Flashback to a Python exam I once had 😵‍💫

Matthew Mang
Replying to @andy @ineptules @leland

I feel like as far as DHH spicy takes go, this take isn’t even really that spicy. Having a deep understanding of materials does make designers more effective and Figma isn’t the end all be all of tools.

Leland Foster
Replying to @mang @andy @ineptules

Yeah totally agree. Use the tool that's right for the job, and understanding when something has reached its limitations in working through a concept is important

Replying to @andy @ineptules @leland

i love coding and i’m always excited when i get to do it, but it is objectively faster to perform even the most basic tasks in Figma vs code. i can’t imagine iterating on the same component and comparing them side-by-side in a browser. such a weird take.