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Leland Foster
Replying to @ineptules

V spicy take

Replying to @leland

Yep. Curious what people have to say about it

Andy Chung
Replying to @ineptules @leland

I actually think of Figma as a very constrained design tool and personally don't see too many instances of designs that can't be easily implemented. Photoshop is/was a different story.

Replying to @andy @leland

One of my frontend colleagues told me he even uses Figma himself for hobby projects before coding. He especially likes auto layout because of how similar it is to the way he works.

Andy Chung
Replying to @ineptules @leland

Yeah like most things there's more nuance to real world workflows and you should just use whatever tool is most effective for your stage of the project imo. Classic annoying DHH bait post though lol.

Leland Foster
Replying to @andy @ineptules

fuck everything I'm going back to coding with pen and paper

Replying to @leland @andy

Flashback to a Python exam I once had 😵‍💫


"All our web designers work directly with the native materials of HTML, CSS, and usually even a fair bit of JavaScript and Ruby. The design process and its iterations flow through updates to the real code that runs the real app, and, as quickly as possible, against real data"

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Mike Haynes
Replying to @allang @ineptules

Using Figma or designing in code?

Ty Finck
Replying to @ineptules

I agree with a lot of this. Figma is great. But I’ve found it to be way quicker to code a site than build out components and prototypes 🤷‍♂️ like everything, depends on the site/product, depends on the team.

Thomas Brasington
Replying to @ineptules

It’s how I work. But it isn’t as binary as the article makes out, I do a lot of back and forth depending on what design problem I need to solve. That all said you shouldn’t gate keep tooling. Use what works for the team and deliver together.

Callum Flack
Replying to @ineptules

Massive agree.