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Isaac Friedman-Heiman

The truth is that most designers don’t know (or care) enough about the underlying business to have the kind of impact they aspire to.

Isaac Friedman-Heiman
Replying to @andy

I think it varies so much depending on the business and the designer, which is really the point. Alignment is critical, without it friction is inevitable.

Andy Chung
Replying to @ifh

Yeah, I think its all about the right fit, which is very variable. When I was a naïve designer working at Facebook I wanted a seat at the table so I would have more autonomy to do good work, when in reality what constituted good work to me was antithetical to the company.

Andy Chung
Replying to @ifh

Working at a b2b SaaS company came much easier. But yeah, just depends on the situation I guess.

Isaac Friedman-Heiman
Replying to @andy

100% This is the real point. Different businesses, products, cultures, all need different things from design. The better you understand them the more empowered you are to deliver impact that aligns with your skills + values.

Isaac Friedman-Heiman
Replying to @andy

I’d add that I think it’s one of the core failures of design education and mentorship by-in-large