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Isaac Friedman-Heiman

The truth is that most designers don’t know (or care) enough about the underlying business to have the kind of impact they aspire to.

Andy Chung
Replying to @ifh

What kind of impact do you think most designers aspire to?

Isaac Friedman-Heiman
Replying to @andy

I think it varies so much depending on the business and the designer, which is really the point. Alignment is critical, without it friction is inevitable.

Andy Chung
Replying to @ifh

Yeah, I think its all about the right fit, which is very variable. When I was a naïve designer working at Facebook I wanted a seat at the table so I would have more autonomy to do good work, when in reality what constituted good work to me was antithetical to the company.

Andy Chung
Replying to @ifh

Working at a b2b SaaS company came much easier. But yeah, just depends on the situation I guess.