Posts, a community app by

Jobs ✌️

Dear Posts community, Our beloved Posts and CV are winding down. It was a safe, cozy corner in an otherwise hellish social media landscape. I'm exploring the magic that made this community so special. This is my take on a new little designer show & tell platform. is a platform for designers to share their work and thoughts with the world.
Jobs ✌️
Replying to @benjifriedman

seems like @mayli had this issue as well. maybe @andy or @mehdi can take a look? (i'm not affiliated at all with the export)

Andy Chung
Replying to @benjifriedman @jobs

hey it should be back up and running now — it was down because @mehdi is moving and the mac mini got packed in a box lol

Replying to @andy @mehdi @jobs

@andy still no luck...

Replying to @jobs

(using Chrome)