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Oh man, sticker mule went and fucked up.

Derek J
Replying to @mr.madsen

Huh they said the right decent thing. You can disagree with the man, his policy, but to disagree with the amount of hate for him and his supporters requires respect. America is so divisive and their post was in favor of unity. So, they didn’t fuck up. They did the right thing.

Jamie Sigadel
Replying to @derekj @mr.madsen

They’re asking for compassion when Trump has literally said terrible things about veterans, disabled people, women, minorities, etc etc. If people want to vote for that, that’s ultimately their choice but let’s not completely rewrite years of consistently hateful behavior.

Derek J
Replying to @jsiggy @mr.madsen

What would you say to women, the disabled, minorities, and veterans who support him? He does deserve compassion not only for recent events but for those of us who believe things he has said or done in the past are not a true reflection of his leadership and inspiration for USA

Jamie Sigadel
Replying to @derekj @mr.madsen

I would tell those people they're kidding themselves if they think they're going to be treated with respect by someone who has gone on record saying otherwise. If you can't trust his actual words or his actions, why even support him? He's shown us all exactly who he is.

Jamie Sigadel
Replying to @derekj @mr.madsen

By the way, he hasn't even reached out to the family of the man who was actually killed. He was happy to mention him (not by name) in speeches, though. Those are *his* actions and he can't even show basic levels of compassion.

Jamie Sigadel
Replying to @derekj @mr.madsen

I'm not here on Posts to debate politics but.. C'mon. You're kidding yourself if you think this man is a good person. He's not.

David Mendes
Replying to @jsiggy @derekj @mr.madsen

Politics has always been a magnet for borderline sociopaths, and not only Trump.

Jamie Sigadel
Replying to @derekj @davidmendes @mr.madsen

I'm not trying to be rude but what you're saying doesn't even make sense. You're basically saying we should ignore what he's said and done because.. Why? Out of the goodness of our hearts?

Jamie Sigadel
Replying to @derekj @davidmendes @mr.madsen

Because of Trump and his administration Roe vs Wade was overturned. He has taken credit for this. Women and babies die every day now because of lack of accessible healthcare. I'm a woman. Under Trump's policies I have less personhood. Why would I give him a chance?

Derek J
Replying to @jsiggy @davidmendes @mr.madsen

Yes thank God, Roe v Wade was overturned! Every life should deserve a chance to live no matter what. And for the 1% there can be made cases. He also returned the power to the states away from federal decision. If you don’t like a specific state you can freely move.

Jamie Sigadel
Replying to @derekj @davidmendes @mr.madsen

Last thing I’ll post in this thread but: 1) Abortion laws lead to *more* deaths, not less 2) the new VP is against any exclusions like for rape or incest and 3) My right to my own body shouldn’t be dependent on where I live, period Do your research, please.

Infant mortality spiked in Texas after abortion ban, study reveals
A new study focused on Texas looks at the year after its law banning all abortions after six weeks with no exceptions for rape, incest or fetal abnormalities. The research found a significant increase in infant deaths, much higher than the rest of the country. Amna Nawaz discussed more with one of the authors of the study, Suzanne Bell of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
Derek J
Replying to @jsiggy @davidmendes @mr.madsen

The new VP and even Trump have lessened their take on abortion. This has upset highly conservatives. But IMO no one has a right to end a life that can’t give consent. No matter what even if there is more hardship the right thing to do is continue all life. My opinion though.

Derek J
Replying to @jsiggy @davidmendes @mr.madsen

As a Christian thou shall not murder and no matter the circumstances I believe murder is murder. I believe God will provide in difficult needs and times. He is in control, not us even though we have free will.

David Mendes
Replying to @derekj @jsiggy @mr.madsen

You know that’s a fairy tale, right?

David Mendes
Replying to @derekj @jsiggy @mr.madsen

I’m not into US politics but every country’s political scene is full of sociopaths – people who crave power, are pathological liars, and have little to no remorse over their actions. And it’s not even a right or left things.

David Mendes
Replying to @derekj @jsiggy @mr.madsen

I mean in the country where I come from there were dictatorships, prime ministers in jail, resignations due to corruption.

Melinda Kreuser
Replying to @davidmendes @derekj +2 others

I truly feel that the general American populace’s ignorance to world history is a big reason why too many people are underestimating trump’s threat to our democracy. It’s very hard to recover from what he and his cronies are campaigning for.

Derek J
Replying to @melk @davidmendes +2 others

The threat is the deep state and the Democrats. Biden doesn’t even know who he is and no doubt is not running the country. Don’t let your bias against the man cloud what’s really happening.

Melinda Kreuser
Replying to @derekj @davidmendes +2 others

Tell me how a vow to prosecute political rivals has ever ended well…