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Dorothy R. Santos

[New Blog Post] Kinopio's Design Principles Embracing smallness, fidget-ability, and pruning your babies…

Dorothy R. Santos

It was such a pleasure to be in conversation with artist, writer, and curator Astria Suparak for X-TRA. 🔥…

Two identical magazine covers of X-TRA magazine spring issue with swirly shapes of different shades and tints of purples and blues that render the slightly gold type that reads X-TRA as slightly illegible.
Dorothy R. Santos

Excited to be in conversation with these artists ✌🏽

Jake Dugard

How do you keep from feeling defeated and giving up?

Dorothy R. Santos

I created an installation of my “studio” inside a gallery space as a way to connect with students. I invite them to sit down and leave me a voice message on the phone or on a “While You Were Out” pink slip. (Also, not my desk, I WISH!)