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Brian Hinton
Replying to @duaa

I think many have so many applicants that it’s hard. It’s not fair. Providing the reason should be part of the interview rejection process.

Duaa Zaheer
Replying to @briannhinton

definitely empathize with the sheer amount of applicants but i think the bare minimum would be providing feedback for people who made it to final rounds but got rejected anyway

Replying to @duaa @briannhinton

Since HR has all the panel feedback, it’s actually easy to summarise and send it. More companies should make it as a part of the recruitment process. New tools can be used to automate this too.

Mahesh 🙇‍♂️
Replying to @someair @duaa @briannhinton

While I was at Belong (HRTech) we did try to solve it. It was partially successful with some companies taking it up — mostly encouraged by the hiring managers. But it’s a behavioural change that needs immense discipline from the recruitment team. Today it’s not natural for them.

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Scott Perket
Replying to @duaa

+1 volume/time but also legal liability. Many companies consider sharing feedback behind a rejection increases potential risk of lawsuits. Enough ppl have sued after being rejected that some companies have strict “no communication” policies and only allow canned comms if anything

Bilgi Karan
Replying to @duaa

I feel your pain. That’s why I decided to call every final candidate myself on the phone to give feedback and listen. I hope it helped them. Before final rounds it is simply not practical unfortunately.

Batzorig Tsergiinkhuu
Replying to @duaa

I wrote to many companies asking why they rejected the application and still don’t get replies. 🤷‍♂️

Imran @i.a
Replying to @duaa

I got to the final round with a company, and they didn’t even officially reject me, I didn’t get a response to my follow up email either. 😕 I’m still holding out, they’re prolly busy doing stuff, renaming layers? washing their hair? Trimming the hedges?

Mitchell Bernstein
Replying to @duaa

Same! Been facing this a lot lately. Sadly it’s a staple. Best way to get feedback to ask other folks via cold emails of companies you admire or are familiar with! I’m sure they’d be willing to give great feedback. Best would be with those you have a closer relationship with

Zohaib A.
Replying to @duaa

It can get really weird (from the hiring side). Sometimes you really like and prefer the candidate but someone else in the company liked some other candidate for some odd reason.

Alex Nicolai
Replying to @duaa

The worst is when they simply ghost you. I had several interviews that I thought went pretty well. I’d send the usual courtesy email after the interview and then silence. It’s actually pretty rude.

Quentin Briel–Duchâtel
Replying to @duaa

No response if no interview is understandable ; ghosting and/or not giving feedback after a (few) round(s) of interview is not acceptable, even if the company doesn’t have the time 🫠 Hiring takes time anyway so better do it properly!