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Duaa Zaheer

why don't companies ever give feedback after rejecting you 😩 i feel like im knocking down their doors just to understand what i could've done better

Brian Hinton
Replying to @duaa

I think many have so many applicants that it’s hard. It’s not fair. Providing the reason should be part of the interview rejection process.

Duaa Zaheer
Replying to @briannhinton

definitely empathize with the sheer amount of applicants but i think the bare minimum would be providing feedback for people who made it to final rounds but got rejected anyway

Mahesh 🙇‍♂️
Replying to @someair @duaa @briannhinton

While I was at Belong (HRTech) we did try to solve it. It was partially successful with some companies taking it up — mostly encouraged by the hiring managers. But it’s a behavioural change that needs immense discipline from the recruitment team. Today it’s not natural for them.