Posts, a community app by

Justin Mabee
Replying to @harikabommu

I’ll go and get my coffee on the way in 😅

Harika Bommu
Replying to @mabee

Yeah man you gotta. Let me know how it goes this year

Justin Mabee
Replying to @harikabommu

I haven’t been yet so I’m anxious to experience it!

Alex Dee
Replying to @mabee @harikabommu

I’ll see you there - come find me if you want a buddy!

Brian Hinton
Replying to @harikabommu

I liked it more for the pre and post hangouts. Talked with some great folks last time.

Noah Jacobus
Replying to @briannhinton @harikabommu

Agreed — the best convos were outside Moscone. But I was also super nervous about speaking and didn’t socialize as much as I could have 😅

Harika Bommu
Replying to @jabronus @briannhinton

Same! As an introvert/ambivert it was all too overwhelming for me

Alex Dee
Replying to @harikabommu

It might not be as hot of a take as you think.

Harika Bommu
Replying to @alexdee

Well, all my content has been just about config lately