Posts, a community app by

William M.
Replying to @harikabommu

What are you going to be focusing on now? 👀

Harika Bommu
Replying to @willisenough

Right now… learning some cool things on spline, with an intention to *only* create and learn. Not to use it somewhere in my portfolio for a job hunt.

William M.
Replying to @harikabommu

That software is so cool! And you're totally right about doing it just to please yourself. Hope to see some of your sketches here :)

David Mendes
Replying to @willisenough @harikabommu

I second that, I too am on the Spline bandwagon at the moment.

William M.
Replying to @davidmendes @harikabommu

Ooh, what are you seeking to create there? Have you mastered it already?

David Mendes
Replying to @willisenough @harikabommu

Was doing some 3D motion design. It’s quite cool the resolution you can get out of it and how fast the rendering is. Definitely not a master, but I managed to get what I wanted from it.

William M.
Replying to @davidmendes @harikabommu

Is there any finished work to share or you're just testing things out? I generally see only one type of visual style, so I would like to see how it handles different styles (but not like Blender ofc)

David Mendes
Replying to @willisenough @harikabommu

I can send you via message later on. The community files are quite good to see what’s possible tho

Harika Bommu
Replying to @davidmendes @willisenough

I’d love to take a look too !

David Mendes
Replying to @harikabommu @willisenough

Sent a message

Tahreem Saood
Replying to @harikabommu


Tahreem Saood
Replying to @harikabommu

my brain checked out a while ago

Harika Bommu
Replying to @tahreem

Took a quick look at your website. It’s quite nice :) it’s just a matter of time

Tahreem Saood
Replying to @harikabommu

Thank you so much that means a lot ^_^

Taurean Bryant Not Found
Replying to @harikabommu

I really wish I had the room to make the same decision because it feels like the right one. You’re 100% right.

Harika Bommu
Replying to @taurean

I understand. Hope you find the right one :) Good luck

Replying to @harikabommu

On the same boat. I’m learning to code, build products, strategise, and sell.