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A while back when Allan G's Good News shutdown, i rebuilt it as an exercise, just managed to get it running again 😄 Here’s a speed up fly through:

Taurean Bryant
Replying to @rokita

I hadn’t heard of this 👀. Is your exercise version alive anywhere to poke around?

Replying to @taurean

Sure, - the password is “tropical”

Good News
Replying to @jobs @taurean

I took it down for the time being because Sentry kept spitting out errors at me, i might bring it back up at some point in the future when i have a little more free time

Jobs 💛
Replying to @rokita @taurean

No worries, super cool to hear some of the backstory behind it. Wonder what Allan G is up to now

Replying to @jobs @rokita @taurean

Same.. can't reach. Please let me know when you put it up again, really want to take a peek at it :)