Posts, a community app by

Caspian Ievers
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Thanks for sharing that. Just increased my % knowledge stolen from…

Jonas Maaløe
Replying to @caspianievers

The other 40% is stolen from this:… The last 20% is making 5 video games in 6 years, and then giving up. Anyways, thanks for attending my TED Talk

Jonas Maaløe
Replying to @caspianievers

But I guess Figma is also cool

Jonas Maaløe

Anyways — my contribution towards becoming a Top User Experience Design Voice™ is this: "Read Stephanie Houde & Charles Hill's 1997 paper "What Do Prototypes Prototype?" 3 times, then go make some prototypes"

Jonas Maaløe

About ~40% of what I know about design, I just stole from this:…

Jonas Maaløe

Connect with me on LinkedIn for other good perspectives like these:

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Got the same Q. 3 ascii penises later I got the badge.