Selling my less than three week old Altar I as it’s not fitting with my workflow, these are sold out on the website, so grab it! Listing here:…

Selling my less than three week old Altar I as it’s not fitting with my workflow, these are sold out on the website, so grab it! Listing here:…
New project launched, I got to illustrate 48 mahjong tiles for Goldielox Mahjong, along with creating the brand and packaging. More info in a new page on the cv! Gonna post some process pics here too soon if people are interested.
Made these cards for the Made to Connect Tour last month, more info in a new case study on CV.
Every year the famicase exhibition comes out my graphic design rat brain gets reset
@andy I think it would be awesome for page posts to be able to have a featured image or video from the page when sharing! It feels like the page preview often gets buried by surrounding video or image posts in a grid. Just a thought! Or maybe a cover image option?
We're live! Just shared on Twitter, thanks everyone for being here 😌…