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Replying to @jsiggy

Interviewing is the hardest. You can feel your absolute best, feel natural, nail all the points, vibe… and for some reason judgement is passed that is not in your favor. That’s hard…

Replying to @jsiggy

What’s worse is when you are passed on and they hire a less qualified person and it doesn’t work out, you learn that person leaves two months in and the role is back up…being passed up isn’t always because someone better took the spot. It’s that poor judgement was passed… 🤦‍♂️

Jamie Sigadel

Tbh I don't look into who was hired instead of me because that would surely drive me insane.. But I do feel a tinge of insanity when I see a role I got rejected from still advertised (bc no one was hired lol)

Replying to @jsiggy

Same. I’m not that wild ha. But I had a friend who referred me and told me to deets later.

Jamie Sigadel

Applying for a job through a referral and having it not work out for any reason is rough in itself.. Especially earlier in my career when I would have a friend escort me through an office just to be rejected lol

Spring 🏳️‍🌈
Replying to @jsiggy

interviewing always harder!

Alex Dee
Replying to @jsiggy

Interviewing 100%

Henning von Vogelsang
Replying to @jsiggy

Harder: Fake job postings by recruiting comp. looking to boost their “potential talent” database. Creating 15 accounts on HR platforms. Filling out forms with the same information that’s on the CV. Fake recruiters which were never hired by the comp. they say they’re seaching for.

Kyle Ancheta
Replying to @jsiggy

interviewing for sure, and it's not even close. 😤