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Jake Dragash
Replying to @juliusloewe

Struggle with this as a father of a 2.5 year old! What helps me is intentionally blocking out time after he goes to sleep to work on what I want to get better at or to do something where I can creatively express myself. Sounds basic, but showing up every night makes a dif!

Adam Eastburn
Replying to @juliusloewe

Ya. You have to make time. Also, understanding your creative goals and expectations. For me, it doesn’t all come together even when i make time for it. The feeling of making something is nice, but I often feel Im still lacking because the craft could improve a lot.

Jvlien @jvlien
Replying to @juliusloewe

You slowly recalibrate. Sure there’s no more weekends spent on the computer exploring and loosing track of time. But they make it easier to unplug and coming back with a fresh mind. Also, don’t forget this situation is not forever.

Simon Ammann
Replying to @juliusloewe

Think of it as a creative fast. Once you're through, you'll likely find a stronger desire and sharper focus for your creative projects.

Matteo Modica
Replying to @juliusloewe

“Sometimes”? 🥲 It’s tough but being a father of 2 (4 and 1,5 years old) I had to improve my efficiency and make use of the little time I have to squeeze my brain and make it work. Don’t give up! 😊