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Patrick Altair McDonald
Replying to @juneuprising

As a student I was so obsessed with perfect geometry and then learned how often we smudge alignment. I think the first time was a lecturer showing me how something only looks vertically centered when it’s slightly above the midpoint. My little brain was blown away.

Bill Chung
Replying to @altair

Yes that feeling exactly!

May-Li Khoe
Replying to @juneuprising

Inner and outer corner radii on rounded rectangles 💀 Continuous curves ⚰️

Bill Chung
Replying to @mayli

Yes! I look back at early work before I had this awareness and it hurts

Gonçalo Dias
Replying to @juneuprising

Mine was creating realistic depth on a UI using shadow & light. So satisfying when you get it right – feels much more organic, heightens the sense of touch.