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Luis Martinez

I think i chose too many New Year’s resolutions: - Learn French - Design & code more - Lose weight - Do the dishes everyday How are you managing your time? Any tips?

Lucas Cufré
Replying to @lucheto

First identify the minimal building blocks for those objectives, then take a good hard look at your calendar and allocate time accordingly. This is linked with the size of the minimal building block goal. Do not expect to reach a goal worth 10x when you can only afford 7x.

Luis Martinez
Replying to @lucas.cufre

i am sort of doing this... still need reminders

Lucas Cufré
Replying to @lucheto

Welp, in my eyes there’s nothing wrong with that. I would only highlight the part about being mindful of the minimum effort you can put at a constant and being self accountable. After that, I think you are on the right path