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Lucas Cufré
Replying to @lucheto

First identify the minimal building blocks for those objectives, then take a good hard look at your calendar and allocate time accordingly. This is linked with the size of the minimal building block goal. Do not expect to reach a goal worth 10x when you can only afford 7x.

Lucas Cufré
Replying to @lucheto

After that, keep yourself accountable by writing down what you achieved towards each of those goals in the daily and weekly. Audit yourself and course correct

Luis Martinez
Replying to @lucas.cufre

i am sort of doing this... still need reminders

Lucas Cufré
Replying to @lucheto

Welp, in my eyes there’s nothing wrong with that. I would only highlight the part about being mindful of the minimum effort you can put at a constant and being self accountable. After that, I think you are on the right path

Petr Sahula
Replying to @lucheto

Mostly by not doing the dishes. 😅

Luis Martinez
Replying to @psahula

That's probably the first resolution I'm giving up on

Jonas Maaløe
Replying to @lucheto

New Year’s resolutions are a fools errand with a low success rate (because human brains are dumb) I really like CGP Grey’s method of a yearly theme. My theme last year was ‘Home’. This year’s is ‘Roots’

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