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Taras Savytskyi

Are there any alternatives to ProductHunt for launching small products?

Nick Noble
Replying to @taras

Define small?

Taras Savytskyi
Replying to @nickisnoble

Things like mobile or desktop apps made by one-two people. Products that aren’t aimed at millions of people. Niche products. Does this definition works?

Nick Noble
Replying to @taras

Yes, sorry I missed this notification! I’ve wanted to make a “certified organic” software directory for some time. Projects that are bootstrapped, by small teams, and don’t sell your data. @pketh has talked about this too, and has a great post about it! Are you making one?

Replying to @nickisnoble @taras

a directory sounds like an awesome idea. An organic producthunt without VCWare sounds like a great idea too: - find apps that won't be killed. Made by people who care about more than their exit $. - discover the next amazing idea, without the fake hype/noise

Replying to @nickisnoble @taras

would be down to help/contribute any way I can

Igor Lanko
Replying to @pketh @nickisnoble @taras

Same here! I’d be glad to help. ProductHunt ended for me in 2020.

Nick Noble
Replying to @igorlanko @pketh @taras

I have just the domain for this too, in my junk drawer 😅

Nick Noble
Replying to @igorlanko @pketh @taras

Going to scaffold this over the weekend hopefully and post a repo

Nick Noble
Replying to @igorlanko @pketh @taras

Anyone know a non-giant-company transactional email provider? Seems all my favs have been acquired.

Replying to @nickisnoble @igorlanko +2 others Stumbled upon this yesterday.

UnInbox - Modern email for teams and professionals. 100% Open Source.
Modern email for teams and professionals. 100% Open Source.
Nick Noble
Replying to @romiojoseph @igorlanko +2 others

This is interesting, I’ll check it out - looking for an API though, so that this app can send magic links and notifications without making me poor

Josh Santangelo
Replying to @nickisnoble @romiojoseph +3 others

It’s not an indie company obviously but Amazon SES is very cheap.

Nick Noble
Replying to @endquote @romiojoseph +3 others

I’ve heard delivery is not so good?

Josh Santangelo
Replying to @nickisnoble @romiojoseph +3 others

Not sure about that… I only used it for a small newsletter. Currently using ghost+mailgun on another project and got 100% delivery — to all 25 people. 😆

Nick Noble
Replying to @endquote @romiojoseph +3 others

Hey that’s 25 happy inboxes