Posts, a community app by

Pete Andrel

How are we all handling our tasks / calendars / notes these days? I’m in the middle of one of my every-couple-of-months crises of thinking of jumping between apps again (this time in particular, Obsidian back to Notion) but still using Fantastical and Apple Reminders. Help!

Dexter Marks-Barber
Replying to @peat

I’m trying to stick it out in Obsidian for now 👌🏻

Pete Andrel
Replying to @dexter

It’s such a powerful note-taking tool, but absolutely miserable for any kind of project or task management. I wish I didn’t find myself needing to attach notes to projects & tasks so often, I’d use Obsidian full time and find something else for task management

Taurean Bryant
Replying to @peat @dexter

couldn't fit it in a post but:…
I've been tackling this lately and planning on writing about it once I land on something that has proven to work for a while: - Obsidian for mentioning/referencing an ongoing task/project - Things for keeping a log of things I'm responsible for - Things is the source of truth for what I need to do still and what is marked as done. - calendar for tracking what I'm responsible for that day. I've been starting my day blocking off time on my calendar for each task. Blocked off time doesn't mean...
Taurean Bryant
Replying to @peat @dexter

I don’t think I’ve seen that but probably wouldn’t use it if I did. I won’t want a note for every task. I look at it like I might want a note for different people in my contacts but I don’t want my contacts syncing with my notes. Only when I have something to say/link