Posts, a community app by

Dexter Marks-Barber
Dexter Marks-Barber

Legal proceedings for moving home is so stressful 😅

Dexter Marks-Barber

Since I started working as a software engineering team lead, at the start of May, I’ve been working on getting to know my current team members. Today we hire someone new. Exciting times. 🆕🆕

Taurean Bryant

Figma will be training their AI on your design work too now btw, and it's opt-out.

Dexter Marks-Barber

Congrats on the release of Sites @andy and team. It was great fun to tinker with it in early preview. Looking forward to seeing what people create with it.

Dexter Marks-Barber

Nice to see how active Posts is seeming lately 🗣️

Dexter Marks-Barber

I’ve noticed that a few people here and there use Contra. Do people actually get much business through it?