Posts, a community app by

Ron Bronson

Considering moving my personal site over here because I just want something simple and not as bio-focused and more detailed about stuff I've been up to, but I'm not certain my work these days lends itself to a visual profile. Hmm

Benjamin Krogh
Replying to @ron

I feel you on time. That being said... developing my new site using Cursor has made my new site come together freakishly faster than I'd have thought. Case studies are still a pain in the neck, though.

Ron Bronson
Replying to @benkrogh

oooh good rec

Wenzel Massag
Replying to @ron @benkrogh

Personally, I wouldn't feel comfortable running a website I can't easily move between hosting providers. That's why I'm re-building mine using Kirby CMS, I'm liking it a lot!