Me and my team are into this. Also I’ve been working a bit on for those that want to learn.

How many designers out there code? How many want to learn? I'm talking more than just HTML and CSS, using frameworks like react, Vue and the like?
Me and my team are into this. Also I’ve been working a bit on for those that want to learn.
👋 I like programming! Haven’t tried any framework outside react though. Why do you ask by the way?
I really want to learn, I've been hammering away for a while now and building the logic to make apps do what I want just doesn't sink in. Any tips or courses you could point me to would be awesome
Kudos for wanting to learn! Programming is difficult, don’t think it ever sinks in—it always fails until it kinda works but isn’t right. Have you figured out yet how you learn best? Videos, books, a teacher, by doing? If not, start there? or read docs from start to finish.
Nice! How did you go about learning. I've been tinkering over the past couple years but never enough to fully understand it.
Yes, and huge lover of Vue (having previously used AngularJS). Personal site built on Jekyll.
I tried Laravel, it’s a lot of fun. In terms of learning/understanding I believe repetition is key. A programming language is just like a real language, the more you use it the better you will get. Talking to people that speak the language will also help.
Most of my roles have been a hybrid of UI + HTML/CSS/JS, also not sure why but ive had to relearn react several times bc it never stuck. Still investigating why that is, because I am learning it again LOL. Best of luck :)