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Victor Ashasha
Replying to @watercycle

How many of us look at our bookmarks. Lol

Hans Fuchs
Replying to @watercycle

I already bookmark everything important and I still have ~50 tabs open. As a dev, I need around 10 tabs just for the bare minimum (local dev, Supabase, GitHub, Vercel, etc) and the rest for docs, inspiration, references, GitHub issues, it adds up quickly lol

Replying to @watercycle

Same, cannot fathom it at all. I'd go crazy trying to find stuff.

Sam Di Mauro
Replying to @watercycle

Grouping tabs does wonders

Eliso Kirvalidze
Replying to @watercycle

Saving bookmarks is like taking bunch of photos in museums which you know for sure you never gonna review again😆

Zach Shea
Replying to @watercycle

bookmarks are like an archive, tabs are for todos. this is what i do

Jonas Maaløe
Replying to @watercycle…

Loss aversion - Wikipedia