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Pedro Peguero Jr.
Replying to @kyle

Nah homie. Personally, I'd rather leave an interview with a confidence high than feel like I did "okay" (or just straight up bad) and let the rejection knock me down even lower. You can be realistic AND confident. Own it. You're in control of interviews more than you think!

Kyle Ancheta
Replying to @pedropeguerojr

yeah totally—i'm slowly getting back to that point. i can be confident and feeling good leaving an interview but i think the unknowns from my side of things makes me temper my expectations for afterwards.

Jamie Sigadel
Replying to @kyle

I've had interviews I thought went well result in rejection and ones I thought I bombed actually be fine so.. I basically expect nothing

Kyle Ancheta
Replying to @jsiggy

yeah, this is exactly me and the latter happened recently so what i've learned is just be you and fuck it we ball, because feelings mean nothing 🤙