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Replying to @laligatwork

A! If it's the selected state, you want to make sure that everything is left aligned the same way so that it's easier to read. Although I can see you using B as the mouse over / hover effect.

Replying to @akram

My concern is the alignment with the other elements. Both feel odd for different reasons. Maybe default states should be aligned perfectly, and the hover effect goes out of bounds left side?

Jonas Maaløe
Replying to @laligatwork @akram

Ding ding, this is the one ⚡️

Replying to @akram

here 🤩

Jonas Maaløe
Replying to @laligatwork @akram


Alexei Boronnikov
Replying to @laligatwork

B — since the default state does not have the active menu, it will be clear why this offset occurred when you start interacting with it

Replying to @alexei

but then when you hover the animation reveals the pill, and it becomes clunky cause the texts inside would move left right with every hover...

Bruno Figueiredo
Replying to @laligatwork

A, but have you though about making it only round on the right, and straight on the left? That would help

Replying to @bfigas

that would still need extra space on the left regardless if it's round or straight...


C is the way...

Replying to @laligatwork

A, please

Megan Magray
Replying to @laligatwork

A :)

Noah Jacobus
Replying to @laligatwork


Replying to @laligatwork

B because I believe in perfectly aligned things

Replying to @laligatwork

Only A