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Jamie Sigadel
Replying to @magicalobject

What about Rive?

Matt Herzog
Replying to @jsiggy

I actually want to play with Rive for more complex UI animation. Have you used it / like it? For this video, it’s more about animating video elements since the UI was screen captured from the experience itself.

Jamie Sigadel
Replying to @magicalobject

It's on my list to actually sit down and learn how to use.. I just haven't had a good excuse yet lol And ah, that makes sense

Abdurrahman Oyewole
Replying to @magicalobject

I've seen some stunning use cases for rive, usually for less complex animations lottie is nice

Matt Herzog
Replying to @hotbread

Do you use Lottie creator or another tool to create/export? Actually, never used Lottie export from Fable since I didn’t do much vector/UI work in there.

Abdurrahman Oyewole
Replying to @magicalobject

i use lottie lab for creation and export

David Mendes
Replying to @magicalobject

I’m curious about this as well

Tyler ✌️
Replying to @magicalobject

Rive is rad 🤘

Joe Russell
Replying to @magicalobject

Has anyone had experience in using Rive animations in an actual shipped product? Lottie files feel reliable as they’re just a small json file, rather than relying on a third party server…