Thank you to the Posts+Readcv team to giving me a place to post again. Somewhere in the past 5-6 years, I lost the motivation to post on social media – and this place helped me get over it. So thanks @andy + team for giving us a place to be ourselves.
Maggie Mesel reposted
Maggie Mesel reposted
Me rn as I opened my inbox and read _that_ mail Such a bittersweet feeling to say goodbye to posts
Maggie Mesel reposted
Maggie Mesel reposted
Maggie Mesel reposted
I've got a lot of thoughts on what comes next after posts. If you're considering building a successor or you're interested in joining one, hopefully this is valuable to you:…
A call for a posts successor - tbl
A call for a posts successor - tbl