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Gregory Cotton
Replying to @outofelement

i feel like we’ve been ‘a few months away’ from ai replacing all devs and designers for like a year now

Replying to @cotton

Check developer threads on Reddit, Levels or HN, for example. Even many senior engineers with years of experience have found the market to be tough.

Jamie Sigadel
Replying to @outofelement @cotton

The tough job market isn't *just* because of AI.. For example, companies know they can get away with annual layoffs now. It's not a huge surprise that developers are on the chopping block along with everyone else. They're usually the most expensive people 🤷🏻‍♀️

Gregory Cotton
Replying to @jsiggy @outofelement

my experience and perspective wrt tech industry is that there was genuinely a lot of excess for a while (when i entered uni the idea of graduating into a cushy tech job was almost a given) and as times have gotten tougher this excess has dried up.

Gregory Cotton
Replying to @jsiggy @outofelement

there’s still a lot of tech jobs i see, but the bar to entry is higher and the competition is much fiercer. compared to the state of hiring in tech industries not even a decade ago i think this amplifies people’s perspective of how poor things are.

Gregory Cotton
Replying to @jsiggy @outofelement

++ i also agree with what you’re saying, Jamie

Jamie Sigadel
Replying to @cotton @outofelement

The free money well has dried up and people are scrambling for new ideas.. So they're all jumping on the AI ship whether or not it makes sense to do so 🤷🏻‍♀️

Replying to @jsiggy @cotton @outofelement

Crazy how much credit people will give to text predictor++, even though it still doesn't have an understanding of what the problem you're asking it is. It's helpful, sure, but I don't think most people are losing their jobs to this just yet

Replying to @jsiggy @cotton @outofelement

But if you have to think about a difficult problem, and you have to reason with the given conditions and constraints, you won't get very far with just prompting, because oftentimes your problem will be more complex than whatever it's been trained on

Replying to @jsiggy @cotton @outofelement

I also don't know how you can trust research from the company that's trying to sell you the product. Of course they're going to make it look good, they want to make money. That's how marketing works. It's like putting all your trust in the "9 out of 10 doctors" thing

Replying to @jsiggy @cotton

That's the great thing about this tech. People will be able to test it independently and confirm or question what Open AI said about it.

Replying to @jsiggy @cotton

Read the thread or do a bit of research. That's the point. o3 is able to reason. Probably better than most people. 😂

Replying to @outofelement @jsiggy @cotton

I did read the thread and did my own research before making my points. That said, I can see that this discussion isn't gonna go anywhere, so I'm just gonna leave it here

Replying to @jsiggy @cotton

OK. No need to get upset. We just disagree. It's all right.