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Ryann Singian
Replying to @paulrnovak

I was just reminded how much loved this feature

Paul Novak
Replying to @ryeguyy

I'm saying! Hard to top this era of Apple design.

Replying to @paulrnovak

I pushed that button so many times, just for the experience.

Spring 🏳️‍🌈
Replying to @paulrnovak

i really miss the soft heartbeat glow when it was sleeping. to this day, i am always in awe when i see it.

Replying to @paulrnovak

And the lit up logo 👌

Ted Goas
Replying to @paulrnovak

Yep! I also remember not losing access to my mouse when it ran out of battery.

Replying to @paulrnovak

Oh yes! And the breathing light while sleeping! Touches of humanity.

Justin Mabee
Replying to @paulrnovak

Man I miss this. I have a couple Mophie battery packs that have this and it brings back the feeling.