Posts, a community app by

Replying to @tannerc

How so?

Tanner Christensen

I feel like my posts get close to zero visibility and engagement reflects that.

Replying to @tannerc

That is fair. I feel Posts probably isn't best for that. Maybe that will improve. 🤷‍♂️ I'd bet there are some healthy "Followings" for some, but for majority I bet is rather slim as the users of this platform is pretty niche. Big guess though...

Replying to @tannerc

Coming from other platforms, the engagement would probably feel like zero. I am finding those 1-4 people who occasionally engage with me are 10x more likely to be real, and overall healthier responses. Hope to see ya around here still! Loving those books you recommended. 🤝

Taurean Bryant
Replying to @tannerc

It might just be how small the community is right now. I'll post something stupid and come back hours later to see it near the top of the Everyone tab still. I think the site is small enough where there are times of the day where there is next to no activity (all good imo).

Gregory Cotton
Replying to @taurean @tannerc

agree, the tradeoff for having a cozier feeling community is not as much opportunity for your content to reach an astronomical number of users. but i too think its good — i can go to twitter if i want to hear a billion people’s voices at once, it’s a luxury to have both options

Ted Goas
Replying to @tannerc

😔 I enjoy(ed) following your stuff here.

Othniel Ussher
Replying to @tannerc

It is mentioned by the creators that this platform is free of algorithms and vanity metrics. It is why you cannot see the number of followers a user has for example

Wojtek Witkowski
Replying to @tannerc

there aren't that many people here i think. more designers over at farcaster…

A decentralized social network
Ria @ria
Replying to @tannerc

Sorry to hear that. 😔 I don’t think your engagement is bad though based on the norm of posts I’ve seen here.

Josh Pindjak
Replying to @tannerc

it's a marathon, not a sprint!

Holu🎖️ | Product Designer
Replying to @tannerc

In my view, I feel it prolly not so much a platform where lot of guys flood as compared to linkedin and twitter yet but count yourself lucky to find few consistent and engaging guys who appears to be of a same niche as you or interested in stuff you've got dish out.