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Lotte Bijlsma

How do you prioritise / stay motivated to be active?

Alison @apt
Replying to @lotte

Find something you really, deeply enjoy and you’ll crave it. I do pilates 6x week because I need it for all my healths. I don’t love traditional exercise, and I also dance + take walks daily. I’m not big on exercise buddies, i won’t rely on other’s motivations or whims.

Replying to @apt @lotte

Couldn’t agree more! I do traditional strength training now but only because I’m motivated to be better at what I love: rock climbing. Pilates is another favorite but there aren’t any good classical studios near me 😞

Alison @apt
Replying to @courtneyb @lotte

It’s hard to find good classical instructors too. My teacher that I’m with 2x a week is the head educator and we do nothing but classical focused on proper alignment, technique, and form in her classes. She is light years away from the modern instructors.