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Ana Malai
Replying to @chow

totally agree here 🙋‍♀️ for me it was social life and personal projects struggled when i had full-time job. currently i don’t and my mental health struggling the most 🥲

Spencer Bittle
Replying to @anainsomnia @chow

ive never been a "personal projects" kind of person, so I guess my 3 are already set for me. but even then, my social life is non-existent. 😅 does raising children count? lol

Replying to @ssbittle @anainsomnia

yes it absolutely does 😆 this was mostly coming from the perspective of a 20 something, living alone, trying her best to figure out what to do in life 🫠

Spencer Bittle
Replying to @chow @anainsomnia

Love it. Balance is hard and often unachievable based on standards that are set for us. Do as much and as little as you need to be comfortable and satisfied. Although in my experience, I suffered most when I neglected relationships and exercise.

Facundo Matiaude
Replying to @chow

Currently doing all of those but must admit that personal projects are going at an extremely low pace… same for social life lol

Replying to @facumatiaude

same 🥲 not to mention my body needs 8-9h of sleep every night too which takes away so much too

Facundo Matiaude
Replying to @chow

Sleep? I don’t know her

Alex Davis
Replying to @chow

can I choose the same one three times?

Replying to @alexdee

which one???

Alex Davis
Replying to @chow

was gonna say personal projects but maybe its actually like 2/3 that and 1/3 social life :P

John Eatmon
Replying to @chow

I feel this in my soul; and it’s probably more like choose 2 if you have a SO, kids, pets, or other healthy habits you’re trying to establish (e.g., for me, it’s reading every night or cooking more meals at home).

Replying to @johneatmon

^^^^^ exactly. I had to stop feeling bad about my lack of social life / slow progression of side projects bc it's like. I'm trying to live lol

Krystal Sim
Replying to @chow

i feel like i can only do 2 💀

Replying to @krystalskafe

and that 👏🏼 is 👏🏼 OK! 👏🏼

Laura 🦄
Replying to @chow

Household / admin is missing from the list 😅 I gotta say I used to be able to manage all pretty well but that was before I had kids 😭 no more exercising 5 times a week 🤣

David Mendes
Replying to @alicetragedy @chow

With kids it’s like: choose whatever, you’ll not gonna manage. 😭

Laura 🦄
Replying to @davidmendes @chow


Replying to @chow

Agreed. :(